
See What Customers Are Saying About NuSolas Energy

Very happy with the service - Raj, Wasim and Kyra did what they promised to do
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Aengus Burns
Delighted we chose NuSolas for the Solar PV installation. Very professional and efficient team. Highly recommend them.
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Mike O'Brien
“Nisi est sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor orci eu. Eget arcu dictum varius duis. Nullam vehicula ipsum a arcu cursus vitae .”
Author photo
Ann Peterson

Switch to a Sustainable Future with Solar Panels in Galway!

Embracing solar energy is more than just a smart financial decision; it's a commitment to a sustainable and eco-friendly future. In Galway, our solar panel installations are designed to use the abundant energy from the sun, significantly reducing your reliance on fossil fuels and lowering your carbon footprint. Our advanced solar technology ensures maximum efficiency and durability, providing you with a reliable source of renewable energy for years to come.

Our experienced professionals in Galway make your switch to solar energy as smooth and beneficial as possible. We offer personalised consultations to assess your energy needs and provide tailored solar solutions that meet your specific requirements. Join the growing community of eco-conscious homeowners and businesses in Galway who are reaping the benefits of solar power.

Get Solar PV Installed in 5 Simple Steps

Get Solar PV Installed in
5 Simple Steps


Solar Calculator

Register your interest by visiting our solar calculator. It’s a quick and easy way to assess your solar power needs and receive an initial quote for solar panel installation in Ireland.


Solar Proposal

Once you’ve registered your interest, our team will provide you with a detailed solar PV proposal, highlighting the system’s electricity generation capacity based on your needs. This proposal includes options for both residential and commercial solar PV installations.


Solar Design

Our experts will conduct a thorough site assessment to ensure your property is suitable for solar panel installation. We cover areas including Clare, Tipperary, Limerick, Galway, and Roscommon.


Grant Submission

We take care of the paperwork! Our experts submit the grant application to the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) along with all the necessary documentation, ensuring you can avail of the SEAI solar panel grant.


Solar Installation

The NuSolas team instals your customised solar PV system. You’re now the proud owner of an efficient NuSolas solar system. Sit back, enjoy the savings, and conveniently monitor your solar system via our mobile app.

Our 5-Step Installation Process for Solar Panels in Galway

Understanding the installation process helps set clear expectations when opting for solar panels in Galway. Here’s a complete details of the steps involved:

Initial Consultation and Site Assessment

The process begins with a consultation where we assess your property’s suitability for solar panels. Factors like roof orientation, shading, and structural integrity are evaluated to design the most effective system.

Custom System Design

Based on the assessment, we design a customised solar PV system customised to your energy needs. This includes selecting the appropriate panels, inverters, and any additional components required for optimal performance.

Permits and Approvals

NuSolas Energy handles all necessary permits and approvals from local authorities. This ensures that your installation complies with all regulations and standards in Galway, facilitating a smooth installation process.

Professional Installation

Our experienced team of solar panel installers in Galway conducts the installation, ensuring everything is set up correctly. This involves mounting the panels, connecting the system to your home’s electrical grid, and testing for functionality.

Post-Installation Support and Maintenance

After installation, we provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your solar panels operate efficiently. This includes regular inspections, cleaning, and any necessary repairs to maintain peak performance.


Our Solar PV Solutions

We Pick The Best Products For Solar Installations


How to Choose the Right Solar Panels for Your Home or Business in Galway?

Selecting the right solar panels for your property is important for maximising efficiency and savings. Here are the key factors to consider when choosing solar panels in Galway with NuSolas Energy:

Assess Your Energy Needs

Determine your energy consumption to select a system that meets your requirements. This involves analysing your past electricity bills and understanding your daily energy usage patterns.

Evaluate Roof Orientation and Space

Consider the orientation and available space on your roof. South-facing roofs are ideal, but east or west-facing roofs can also be effective. Ensure there is enough space to accommodate the number of panels needed for your energy needs.

Choose the Right Type of Panels

Different types of solar panels offer varying efficiencies and costs. Monocrystalline panels are more efficient but pricier, while polycrystalline panels are cost-effective but slightly less efficient. Choose based on your budget and efficiency needs.

Consider Warranties and Lifespan

Look for panels with strong warranties and a long lifespan. A good warranty indicates the manufacturer's confidence in their product and ensures you are covered in case of defects or performance issues.

Installation and Maintenance Services

Select a solar install company that offers comprehensive installation and maintenance services. NuSolas Energy provides end-to-end solutions, ensuring your system is installed correctly and maintained for optimal performance.

Not Sure Which System is Best For Your Needs?

Contact NuSolas Energy now
and get free advice & quote within minutes!

Solar Panel Installation FAQs

Why should I choose NuSolas Energy for solar panel installation in Galway?

NuSolas Energy offers expert installation, high-quality products, comprehensive warranties, and excellent customer service. Our local expertise ensures tailored solutions that are perfectly suited to Galway’s climate and energy needs.

How much can I save with solar panels in Galway?

By installing solar panels, you can save up to 50-70% on your electricity bills. The savings depend on your energy consumption and the size of the solar PV system you install. Additionally, SEAI grants can further reduce your costs.

Are there solar grants available for Galway residents?

Yes, SEAI grants are available for homeowners in Galway. These grants can significantly lower the upfront costs of solar panel installation, making renewable energy more accessible and affordable.

How do I choose the right solar panel system for my home?

Choosing the right system involves assessing your energy needs, roof orientation, and budget. Our team at NuSolas Energy can provide a detailed consultation to help you select the best solar PV system for your home or business.

Planning to Switch to Solar Energy in Galway? Contact Us Today!

Want to use the power of solar energy in Galway? Contact us today for commercial and residential solar panels installation in Galway. Our team of solar energy specialists in Galway provides top-quality installation and maintenance services, ensuring you get the most out of your solar PV system.

Choose NuSolas as the leading solar panel company in Galway and start enjoying the benefits of clean, sustainable energy. Call us or fill out our online form now—and we promise to get back to you within 2-4 hours. If you need immediate assistance, our lines are open for your call.

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