Solar Tube Installation Cost in Ireland

Raj Singh
December 22, 2023

Struggling with dark rooms in the home, even on sunny days? This is a common problem in Ireland, where many long for natural light but are faced with shadowy areas. However, there's a solution known as the sun tube, a clever innovation that channels sunlight directly into homes. 

Consider the potential of Ireland's 1,400 hours of annual sunshine. This article delves into solar tube installation costs across Ireland, explaining how they work, installation details, and their financial and wellness benefits over time. 

It's a guide to welcoming a refreshing flood of daylight into any home.

Key Takeaways

  • Sun tunnels in Ireland cost between €550 and €4400+.
  • There are two types of sun tunnels: flexible and rigid.
  • Natural light from sun tunnels can save money on energy bills.
  • Sun tunnels are an eco-friendly choice for homes in Ireland.
  • Installation depends on roof size, material, and sunlight exposure.

What is a Sun Tunnel and How Does it Work?

A sun tunnel, also known as a light tube or solar tube, is a tubular skylight that captures natural sunlight and directs it into the interior of a building. It works by using reflective material to channel sunlight from the roof to the interior space, providing natural light without the need for electricity.

There are two main types of sun tunnels: flexible and rigid, each with its own installation process and costs.

Types of sun tunnels (flexible and rigid)

Sun tunnels are smart ways to bring natural light into our homes. They work by capturing sunlight on the roof and channelling it inside.

  • Use a shiny, bendable tube to move sunlight from the roof to your room.
  • Are great for places where there's no straight shot from roof to ceiling.
  • They are easier to install than rigid ones, so they might cost less.
  • Have a solid, straight tube that provides a clear path for light.
  • It works best when there's a direct route from the roof down into the room.
  • Reflect light better than flexible tubes, which means brighter light comes through.

Installation Process and Costs

The installation process for sun tunnels involves cutting a hole in the roof, installing the tunnel, and connecting it to the ceiling inside. The average cost of installing a sun tunnel in Ireland can vary depending on factors such as size, location, and type of tunnel.

To learn more about the installation process and costs, keep reading!

Average cost in Ireland

Understanding the financial commitment involved in brightening your home with a sun tunnel is crucial. We're here to shed some light on the typical expenses you can expect here in Ireland. 

Sun tunnels, being both a functional and aesthetic upgrade, vary in cost depending on several factors. Below is a summary table illustrating the average costs for different scenarios:

Installation Aspect

Average Cost Range in Ireland (€)

Basic Sun Tunnel Kit: 250 - 500

Professional Installation: 200–400

Additional Structural Work: 100 - 2000+

Complex Roof Configurations: 500–1500+

Total Estimated Cost: 550–4400+

These figures reflect a broad spectrum of potential expenses. Your project may fall on the lower or higher end based on specific requirements. Sun tunnel installations can significantly vary in price with considerations like the type of roofing material, the complexity of the roof design, the length of the tunnel, and whether additional insulation is needed. 

Moving forward, let's illuminate the advantages of bringing natural light into your home through a sun tunnel.

Factors to Consider (Size, Location, etc.)

When planning solar tube installation, keep in mind the following factors:

  1. Roof Size and Material: Consider the size and material of your roof. Different roofs may require specific installation techniques and adjustments.
  2. Sunlight Exposure: Evaluate the areas of your roof that receive the most sunlight throughout the day. This will help determine the ideal location for installing the sun tunnel.
  3. Room Placement: Think about which rooms would benefit most from increased natural light. This can help in deciding where to install the solar tubes for maximum impact.
  4. Installation Accessibility: Take into account how accessible your roof is for installation. Accessibility may affect installation costs.
  5. Regulations and Permits: Check local regulations and obtain any necessary permits before proceeding with installation to ensure compliance with building codes and safety standards.

Benefits of Installing a Solar Tunnel

Installing a sun tunnel can bring increased natural light into your home, saving on energy bills and providing an eco-friendly alternative to traditional lighting solutions. To learn more about the benefits of sun tunnels, keep reading!

Increased natural light

Installing a sun tunnel can significantly increase the natural light in your home, creating a brighter and more inviting living space. By harnessing sunlight, you can reduce the need for artificial lighting during the day, lowering your energy bills and making your home more sustainable.

The cost-effective daylighting solution not only brightens up rooms but also contributes to a positive environmental impact by reducing reliance on electricity. With roof light tunnels or light tube installation, you can enjoy an eco-friendly alternative that illuminates your home with abundant natural light.

Cost savings on energy bills

With the increased natural light from sun tunnels, you can reduce your reliance on artificial lighting during the day. This means lower electricity usage and, therefore, cost savings on energy bills.

By harnessing daylight through solar tube installation in Ireland, homeowners can benefit from reduced energy consumption and enjoy long-term financial savings.

Additionally, with eco-friendly alternatives such as solar thermal panels or roof light tunnel installation, you can take advantage of government grants for renewable energy solutions to further offset the initial installation costs.

Eco-friendly alternative

Choosing a solar tunnel as an eco-friendly alternative can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and reliance on traditional energy sources. By harnessing the natural power of sunlight, you can decrease your home's overall energy consumption and contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Sun tunnels offer a cost-effective daylighting solution that not only reduces the need for artificial lighting but also promotes energy efficiency, making them an attractive option for environmentally conscious homeowners in Ireland looking to embrace green energy practises.

Installing a solar tunnel aligns with efforts to shift towards alternative energy sources in Ireland. With solar panel grants available and the rising popularity of solar thermal panels, this eco-friendly alternative presents an opportunity for homes to adopt photovoltaic systems while enhancing their overall energy efficiency.


In conclusion, solar tube installation offers an efficient and cost-effective way to bring natural light into your home. The process is straightforward, and the benefits are significant, including increased natural light, energy bill savings, and eco-friendly advantages.

With average costs in Ireland being reasonable and various factors to consider for your specific needs, this solution is practical for Irish homeowners. By choosing solar tube installation, you're not only enhancing your home but also contributing positively to the environment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of installing solar tubes in Ireland?

The cost of solar tube installation in Ireland can change based on size and type, but it's seen as a cost-effective daylighting solution compared to other options.

Are sunlight tunnels different from solar panels in terms of price?

Yes, sunlight tunnels or sun tunnel installation costs are usually less than the full cost of solar thermal panels because they're designed just to bring light into your home.

Can adding daylight tubes save me money on my energy bills?

Daylight tubes help bring natural light into dark areas of your house, which can cut down on electricity use, making them a smart choice for saving power and money.

Are wider solar tubes available for walls or ceilings?

The reason 10-to-14-inch diameters are common is that they fit snugly between framing members, which are commonly placed 16 inches apart. Wider solar tubes are, of course, available for walls or ceilings with wider framing.

Will I get enough power from evacuated solar tubes for my house's needs?

Evacuated solar tubes are made for heating water by using solar energy, which can reduce the amount of gas or electricity you need, but they don't generate electricity like regular solar panels do.

How long does it take to install a solar tube in an Irish home?

The installation time for a solar tube can vary, but it typically takes a few hours. Factors like the complexity of your roof and the specific type of solar tube chosen can affect the total installation time. This quick installation means you can enjoy natural light in your home without significant disruption.

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.
About Author
Raj Singh

A seasoned professional in the solar industry, Raj Singh is dedicated to illuminating Ireland with the power of the sun. His passion for renewable energy and commitment to sustainability shine through his work in the solar industry.